About The Author

Hey 👋 there, I'm Aditya and On the internet I often go by “thedevguy” and here's my story.

I Graduated in 2020, studied the Internet during Covid and fell in love with it.

Developed landing pages all through 2021 for local businesses and through online platforms like twitter,fiverr and upwork.
Then from 2022 till now, I've worked full-time with a variety of companies from Multi-national consultancy services to Developer Agencies, early-stage Saas startups and Funded ERP solutions.

This website is where I write about my experiences, learnings and other things that I find interesting through my articles and projects.

I hope you'll find something useful here.

If you want to know more about my work experience, you can check out my Resume.

Oh and by the way, I love Coffee☕ and Hate🤢 Spaces⌨️